Thursday, July 17, 2014

Excerpt from Life in a Nutshell

Surely, this day couldn't get any worse. Bump. Bump. What the hell? Her eyes flashed to her side view mirror, scanning the dimly lit street behind. Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God! She cranked the steering wheel hard, slammed into the curb, threw the truck in park and flung her door open. Running, she stopped beside the small, lifeless body, knelt down, her eyes round with horror. Oh God,! She planted her face in her palms, sick at what she'd done. She should have been focused on her driving. She should have been paying attention. She should have....her thoughts were disrupted by a loud blaring as a car swerved around her. Damn! Just damn!

She couldn't  leave the kitten lying  in the street. Nauseated, she gingerly pinched the tail between finger and thumb, dragging the corpse to the sidewalk. Now, what? Straightening, she looked at the row of houses. This was somebody's pet. Somebody's baby. Could she just drive away and pretend it never happened? No, she knew she couldn't. Swiping her palms across her pant legs, she squared her shoulders and approached the first door. Nothing. A couple more doors and still nothing. You couldn't say she hadn't tried she shrugged to herself, her knuckles rapping on yet another door. She was startled when it abruptly opened, light spilling out.

"Yes?" A tall, lanky man smiled down at her, puzzled.

Hi. Um...are you missing a cat?" She shuffled in discomfort, the sole of one shoe scuffing his front step, her eyes skipping away from his.

"I have a cat, but I don't know that it's missing," his smile faltered a little as he shot a glance back over his shoulder. A little boy, about 5 or 6, popped into the space between them.

"Hi! I have a kitty!" All smiles and wonderment, eyes beaming up at her. Her stomach dropped another floor staring down into that innocent, tiny face.

"You do, huh?" Slanting a weak grin at the child, She arched a pleading glance at the father. He frowned in response, then his brows rose in understanding. Leaning close she spoke under her breath.

"I feel just awful, I was on my way home and didn't see anything, just felt a little bump and looked behind me..." The mans eyebrows rose. As softly as she'd spoken the little boy still heard, confusion and a glimmering of hurt dimming his smile, one little hand tugging on his father's arm.

"Daddy? Daddy?"

"I've run over a kitten and I couldn't just leave it laying in the street so I dragged it to the sidewalk. I'm so terribly sorry..I feel just awful....could you look and see if it's yours..." The words tumbled over themselves in a hurry to be spoken. She hadn't finished her sentence before the boy, all flying arms and legs, barreled past her, darting out the door, running toward the sidewalk. She slumped against the door jamb, head hanging, eyes focused on her feet. Before the father could follow, the little boy was back, bouncing around excitedly.

"That isn't MY kitty!" His face was wreathed in a happy smile, teeth flashing up at her.

"It wasn't, huh?" She smiled back in relief, wanting to ruffle his hair, instead crossing her arms over her chest. "I'm so glad!" She exchanged relieved glances with the father.

"No!" More excited bouncing and happy smiles..."MY kitties head is ROUND and his eyes are IN his head!"

Life in a Nutshell - 2013 Jeannie Palmer

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Shattered by Jeannie Palmer, receives Literary Seal of Excellence

Publishing industry professionals have evaluated Shattered, my YA title, against specific criteria for quality fiction, and have deemed it worthy of receiving the AIA Gold Seal of Literary Excellence.

This was such an exciting moment for me and I was honored to have my title recognized.  You can read the entire announcement here, or, if you’re interested in obtaining a copy, Shattered can be found here.

My next YA title will be released in 2015.  I hope you’ll follow along and enjoy the upcoming snippets I share as I go.

Here’s the blurb from Shattered:

            Life has become very complicated for twelve year old Vanessa.  Dealing with her parents separation, moving into a new house, and becoming estranged from her two best friends has been a breeze compared to what lays in store for her with the discovery of a mysterious glass ball.  Is she going crazy or does this ball really have control over her life?

Author Swag - Life in a Nutshell

One of the most enjoyable aspects of writing is being creative.  Writing fulfills many of my creative outlets, from the written word to book cover design on down to author swag.  While Life in a Nutshell is going through the editing process, the powers that be have been working on author swag for book signing events and give-aways.

 Miniature book pendants have been a popular item with readers.  The pendant can be removed and added to a bookmark if preferred.

Postcards and smaller bookmarks also go over well.  What's not shown here are the miniature book charms and ribbon book marks but I'll share those later.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Life in a Nutshell release date!

Meet Riley Jones.....She's somewhere she never expected
to be again.  Out on her own and starting over.
Divorced, dating and potentially dangerous.....
what could possibly go wrong?

The release date for my newest title, Life in a Nutshell, is fast approaching. I have to admit, it's been a wild ride and I've enjoyed every single moment. I have the most amazing fans and followers and without them, I wouldn't be where I am right now.

Keep checking your bookstores starting July 20th, and share the adventure.